...building beautiful bendy bodies
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If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young. - Joseph Pilates

Pilates can be a challenging workout, and at the same time Pilates is one of the most effective methods of rehabilitation.

Pilates builds a body which is flexible and strong to the core. It is an all encompassing fitness and flexibility regime quite unlike any other form of training.

Pilates workouts emphasize flexibility, balance, agility and co-ordination. They provide an excellent solution to stiff spines, poor postures, weak feet & ankle joints, knee complications, neck issues and lack of abdominal strength.

Many men think Pilates is just for women – the truth is – Pilates is probably one of the most effective workouts for men. 

Benefits of Pilates for Men

  • Reduce stiffness and stress and learn to become more flexible
  • Release tension and improve posture
  • Rehabilitate injuries
  • Prevent injury and work on your core
  • Build a body which is flexible, strong and free from pain

Make a commitment to try something new. There is nothing to lose, only lots to gain!

Read more about what Pilates offers for core strength and flexibility.